Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Climbing Mountains and Miracle Splits!

Hello family, friends, past companions!

We have an investigator named Kumagai San who lives on top of a huge mountain.
It's the type of mountain that we slowly start biking up, but then figure that we could get
there faster by walking instead. At some points we literally have to drag our bikes, hoping
and praying we don't lose our grip on them! Going to Kumagai San's house is always a test
of grit and endurance.

Anyways, we went to go visit her this week. We rolled our bikes into her driveway, dripping in
sweat. We said a quick prayer and knocked on her door. She answered only to wave us off
because she was too busy.

We died a little inside, but it was okay because we figured there was another reason we climbed
this mountain.

We rode a little ways down and decided to house the area. We ended up housing into an elderly
couple whose names were, believe it or not, the Kumagai's! It was as if the Lord doubled our
blessings. We shared a simple message with them and they both became our new investigators!
 Things always end up working out according to the Lord's plan.

In other news, we had a miracle splits and ended up finding 6 investigators, including picking up
an old investigator named Shiho! She's a college student at a nearby university. Apparently
the missionaries lost contact with her because she was super busy, but she was able to meet
with us for dinner! She brought up the topic of religion on her own, making it easy for us. She
has a lot of interest in learning more about the gospel!

Sorry not too much time this week. We had district pday today and I experienced Shabu Shabu
(Best food ever) for the first time in my life. It was an emotional experience for me. If you ever
get the chance to eat it, please do! It would make you so happy. It would make me so happy.
We would all be so happy!

Love you all so much!

Matsuura Shimai

1: Burrows shimai's cute art!
2: My two cute companions!
3: Cute Howell Shimai

4: Zone conference with my cute mission family. So cute.

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