Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Have You Tried Natto Before?

Hello Everyone!

I guess we'll just jump right in!


We had a lesson with Sister Yasue, a member who's been a less active for 10 years. The last time we met with her she had a lot of doubts about the church. She sought proof to know what we taught was true. This last lesson, she admitted to still having doubts of whether the gospel is true; however, this time she expressed having the desire to believe (Alma 32:27). She was a changed person from the last lesson we had with her. She had an honest desire to change, to become a better person, to believe in something she lost 10 years ago. It was truly a miracle to see this change of heart take place in Sister Yasue! 


Natto. A Japanese staple. The bane of every foreigner who has ever come to Japan.  For those of you who don't know what natto is, its fermented soybeans. It's a common breakfast food known for its amazing health benefits. It's brown, slimy and has a horrible smell. Sounds appealing right? Also, if you ever get the slime on your fingers, it usually takes a good couple days to get it off. Anyways, Sister Ishikawa and I did a training at zone conference in which we compared seeing baptisms to eating natto. For example, seeing baptisms is impossible if if we aren't doing the daily things like studying, planning, finding, following the Holy Ghost, etc.  Likewise, eating natto is nearly impossible if we don't use various seasonings like soy sauce, mayo, mustard, chocolate, etc. Sometimes when we put in all our effort (use all the seasonings) we still fall short and aren't able to eat the natto. But luckily the Savior comes and saves us by making up the rest! (zone leader eats all the leftover natto). That was our basic message. It was a fun conference! A couple missionaries died in the process,  but hopefully they understood our message :)        


We met Sasaki San a couple weeks ago housing. He's about 4-feet-tall and has the energy level of a  One of the first things he said to us was, "I hate religion!" But after talking to him for awhile his heart softened and he invited us to come back to teach an actual lesson. We came back the following week and invited him to church. He came to church he following Sunday! I think he had the time of his life. He even stayed for a lesson afterwards, during which we passed him to the Elders. He says he has a desire to learn more and wants to come to church again next week! Moral of the story, don't believe people when they tell you they hate religion. :)     

Thank you everyone for the love and support! You are always in my prayers.

Church is true!


Matsuura Shimai
1: These Shimai are my examples. Love them!
2: Three generations 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

When You Receive a New Companion Two Weeks Into the Transfer

Hello Everyone!

This week, sister Burrows and I went from being a duo to a trio (The Three Shimaites). We're pleased to welcome in Howell Shimai to the companionship! Howell Shimai is a Sendai Mission gem. Seriously love her so much!

Here's a little more about Howell Shimai!

Age: 19

Hometown: Doesn't have one.

Hobbies: Hiding under her desk and collecting dinosaurs. (She didn't say this but she's also very musically talented!)

Favorite Food: Today, cheese.

Favorite Japanese phrase: Tabemasyou! (Let's eat!)

Dream job: Playing violin in an orchestra.

Working in a trio definitely has it's advantages; like having three testimonies, more meal options, less cleaning time, intimidation factor, never ever being alone, etc. There's more to work with and more to benefit from. I like it.

As for other news, Sister Ishikawa (my old comp) and I have been busy preparing a training for zone conference this week. Something that we've studied intensely is the concept of faith. More specifically, developing the kind of faith to fulfill our righteous desires. We all have goals, whether it be the goal to find a stable career, raise a good family, etc. Or for missionaries, to see baptisms and invite others to come unto Christ. Desire, faith and action are necessary in order to achieve these types of goals. However, the true measure of our faith depends on our devotion, or doing the things we do everyday for an extended period of time.

"You will never experience the principle of faith to any great extent in your life unless you are willing to work at it consistently over a sustained period of time." - Grant Von Harrison

As we continue exercising our faith even during the difficult times, the Lord will fulfill all our righteous desires.

Church is true everyone!

愛してます! (I love you!)

Matsuura Shimai

Photo 1: Family pic: Burrows Shimai (My baby), Howell Shimai (My wife), Sato Shimai (My Senior Senior Companion).

Photo 2: A cultural experience

Photo 3: Flashback to when I had to say goodbye to Sister Matsuura

Monday, June 11, 2018

That one time I became companions with my mom

Sister Matsuura squared
On transfer day (Wed. 6th) we had a short stop in Sendai to meet up our new companions. During that time, I met up with my mother and become companions with her! It was quite the experience! We did some finding, talked to people on the streets, and testified of the Book of Mormon. Our main purpose however, was to visit my grandparents and teach them a lesson.

About a month ago, my grandpa was diagnosed with malignant lymphoma. He is currently undergoing treatments and if all goes well, he can live longer than a year. The news of his illness was unexpected and hard to take at first, but then I came to understand that God has a perfect plan for my grandpa. It truly is a blessing that I was able to serve a mission at this time and be close to him.
With the fam!

When we showed up at my grandparent's house, I was surprised to see my cousin there! He just happened to be in Sendai for one day for a job interview. Our plans and paths crossed perfectly, thanks no doubt to divine intervention! We enjoyed a simple pizza lunch and then started our lesson. My mom bore a powerful testimony on how the knowledge of the plan of salvation has blessed her life. My grandpa was never someone to express his feelings so he didn't say much, but he was open to having the missionaries over again.

This past Saturday the Elders in the area stopped by and gave my grandmother a blessing. This was a miracle in itself. She's a devout Buddhist, but exercised enough faith to accept the blessing. Afterwards, she reported that her hip pains disappeared and now has more energy to care for my grandfather!

I know God is opening the doors of heaven for my grandparents and giving them the opportunity to accept the gospel. Whether they choose to accept it in this life or the next, the blessings that are occurring now are setting the stage for all that to happen!

One of the hardest goodbyes of my life. Love love LOVE Jacobson Shimai, my bb and fellow Idahoan! She's one of the boldest missionaries I know! There's no one else I would entrust Hachinohe with more than her!


As mentioned before, transfers happened and I'm currently in my new area - MORIOKA (google it).

This is the most populated area I've served in so far! Lots of people and lots of energy. I love it. Although it was heartbreaking leaving the beautiful ocean views and wonderful people of Hachinohe, I'm excited to serve the people of Morioka!

A horse festival parade in Morioka

My companion and I are starting at ground zero. We know nothing about the area and have very few friends as of right now, but we are excited to get working! We did find two investigators this week. One very animated man who danced for us at his doorstep, and another old man who says he hates religion but was interested in learning more about what we have to teach.

My new companion is Sister Burrows from Orem, Utah! She is so sweet and very knowledgeable about the gospel. She's also a quarter Japanese, but you would never guess because she has blond hair! But yes, I'm excited and expecting to learn alot from her this transfer!

Here's a more in depth introduction on Burrows Shimai:

Favorite food:
"All kinds of fruit!"

Painting, drawing, tennis (YES), basketball, being with sisters and family.

Favorite Japanese phrase:
"Ai siteru yo!" (I love you)

Favorite part of the mission?
"Everything about Japan reminds me of my family. The smells, the language. I feel at home here!"

So yeah, Burrows Shimai is awesome and I'm really looking forward to seeing so many miracles with her!                                                                         

Thank you for all your prayers and support!

Church is true!

Matsuura Shimai

Mark 9:23

Saying goodbye after 6 months in Hachinohe

June 4th, 2018

There's some big big BIG changes coming up!
The Miura's took us to their handmade cabin (yes they built a cabin with their hands) for lunch and a lesson! They had a poppy field close by and I almost died!

Catching me mid smug in a field of poppies.

I guess my heading gave it away haha. First of all transfers. After spending half a year in Hachinohe, I'm going to Morioka (about a two hour bus ride south)! We actually had the opportunity to go to Morioka last week for a conference. I had the strangest sense of déjà vu when I walked into the church building. Turns out I attended sacrament meeting there long ago with my mother when we were visiting her friends in Morioka! Crazy to think I'm returning as a missionary now!

I'm going to be training another new missionary from the MTC. Probably God's way of saying I didnt do things right the first time hahaha. My current companion, Sister Jacobson, is also training a new missionary as a third transfer! It's hard not to tear up a bit when you see your trainee become a trainer. She's solid and I know she's going to see so many miracles in Hachinohe!

Hachinohe has been a wild ride! Filled with sweet memories and life-defining moments that I will cherish forever. All missionaries would probably agree that transferring from an area you love is one of the hardest experiences of the mission. But at the same time, there's an immense feeling of gratitude for being able to love an area so much that it hurts to leave. During one of my last conversations with our investigator Yamada San, she said something along these lines: "We have an eternity to live and having our lives cross for even a single moment is a miracle."

That`s the mission! Meeting people from all walks of life and knowing that each encounter with a person is part of God's perfect plan.

Angel house staff and Yamada san! 

As I mentioned before, we were in Morioka last week. We had the wonderful opportunity to hear from the Elder Choi of the Seventy. I would like to share an experience during the conference that pretty much defined my 6 months in Hachinohe. Towards the end of Elder Choi's talk, he had the members come to the front and we all sang "I Am a Child of God" to them. I've always loved this classic primary song, but it has become more meaningful as a missonary. Elder Choi testified of the power of song in reaching the hearts of the Japanese people. Jacobson Shimai and I put this to the test the following day when we went finding. We housed into an old lady with a gloomy look on her face. She said she was exhausted from caring for her 18 year-old dog. We asked if we could sing her a song and she agreed. As the words of "I Am a Child of God" filled her ears, she started crying. Although she was Buddhist, she felt the power of the song. It was definitely not from our singing, but from the words that testify of the true nature of God.

愛する companion
This song has helped us teach about the love of God to more people than any other method or approach. It's simple, but it really works. Especially in a country that is predominantly Buddhist. People are able to feel the spirit through this song and it's something they can't deny!

I love you all! Thank you for your support and prayers.

Church is true!

Matsuura Shimai

A little bit of cheese and inspiration from the district:

Giant edible leaves + 愛する companion

THE GRAND FINALE - I'm coming home for reals!

Hello Family and Friends!  Here we are, my final email as a full-time missionary. Thank you for letting me share my mission with you! I...